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One of my favorite movies... of course I am somewhat biased. My professor, and academic advisor at Penn State, Peg French, played Tom Hank's aunt in the movie. I saw it over a dozen of times in the theatres... Of course, the picture of Tom Hanks, and Antonio Banderas as a couple didn't hurt the film, either.
bulletIn & Out
A "Why was I the last to know that I am gay?" mainstream comedy, that had everyone in stitches.  Great kiss between Kevin Kline, and Tom Sellick.
bulletAnd the Band Played On
HBO special on the scientists search for the origins of HIV.
bulletThe Lost Language of Cranes
British coming out drama, with an unusual twist. Definitely worth the rental, or purchase.
bulletGet Real
British gay coming out romantic drama.   Boy meets popular jock.
bulletThe Birdcage
Robin Williams, as a gay man! ALL THAT FURR!!! WOOF! A great modern retelling of 'La Cage aux Folles'
bulletThe Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
For all the draq queens down under. Cult classic, and the motivator for the Drew Carey vs. Mimi sing off. (Mimi as a drag queen, who would have guessed, nah she uses too much makeup.)
bulletThe Rocky Horror Picture Show
A cult classic horror spoof.
bulletMrs. Doubtfire
What lengths would a father go to, to make sure that he could keep in contact with his children.

Last Modified: Monday, February 11, 2002 11:35 PM

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