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My interests in music are vast, I also use a number of music creation programs.

Sonic Foundry provides music and sound creation, manipulation, and conversion programs that allow users to create their own custom music solutions.

My favorite music group is Mike & The Mechanics, I first started listening to them following their release of "The Living Years" it struck a chord with me like no other song that I have heard.

My favorite rock movie, is Pink Floyd's "The Wall" a really psychedelic movie mixing animation and live action. Telling the story of a boy who lost his father in the world war, and the psychological tension that dominates his life since. Again, it hit a little too close to home.

To listen to a sampling of tastes you can listen to my radio station.  Simply click on the Radio Station option in the side bar.

Last Modified: Monday, February 11, 2002 11:35 PM

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